A bloody feast of fun in the Hawk’s Well


Following their string of sell-out successes – “Jesus Christ Superstar”, “Oliver!”, “CATS”, “All Shook Up” and “Les Misérables” – the award winning Sligo Fun Company return to the stage with the musical comedy “Little Shop of Horrors”.

HeadlineA bloody feast of fun in the Hawk’s WellCaptionSHOW: Some of the dancers on ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ greet Seymour and Audrey 2.CaptionHORROR: Arron McDonagh (who plays Seymour) and “Audrey 2”, the man-eating plant.TextFollowing their string of sell-out successes - “Jesus Christ Superstar”, “Oliver!”, “CATS”, “All Shook Up” and “Les Misérables” - the award winning Sligo Fun Company return to the stage with the musical comedy “Little Shop of Horrors”. From the creative geniuses of many Disney classics such as the Little Mermaid, Beauty & the Beast and Aladdin, this hilarious comedy is set to a stunning score of hit after hit by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken.  Feed your need for musical hilarity with this delicious smash hit musical about a man-eating plant! This deviously delicious Broadway and Hollywood sci-fi smash hit musical, has devoured the hearts of theatre goers for over 30 years. “Little Shop of Horrors” has become one of the most popular shows in the world and will burst onto the Hawk’s Well Theatre stage from Tuesday, February 3 to Saturday, February 7 nightly at 8pm. Tickets for the show are €18 (€14 concession and can be booked through the Hawk’s Well box office on 071-9161518 or www.hawkswell.com
HORROR: Arron McDonagh (who plays Seymour) and “Audrey 2”, the man-eating plant.From the creative geniuses of many Disney classics such as the Little Mermaid, Beauty & the Beast and Aladdin, this hilarious comedy is set to a stunning score of hit after hit by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken. Feed your need for musical hilarity with this delicious smash hit musical about a man-eating plant!


This deviously delicious Broadway and Hollywood sci-fi smash hit musical, has devoured the hearts of theatre goers for over 30 years. “Little Shop of Horrors” has become one of the most popular shows in the world and will burst onto the Hawk’s Well Theatre stage from Tuesday, February 3 to Saturday, February 7 nightly at 8pm.

Tickets for the show are €18 (€14 concession and can be booked through the Hawk’s Well box office on 071-9161518 or www.hawkswell.com

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