Library service plan is opposed


A plan to amalgamate the library services in Sligo, Leitrim and Roscommon was opposed by councillors at a meeting of Sligo County Council on Monday.

Sligo Co Library 1
Sinn Fein councillors Sean MacManus and Thomas Healy proposed that the council call for the “abolition” of the current proposals to amalgamate the three services.

They called for the County Sligo Library Service to be “maintained and protected as a local service for the people of Co. Sligo, provided by Sligo County Council”.
Cllr MacManus said they were “extremely concerned” with the proposal amalgamation.

“This is not just a Sinn Fein concern but is shared by many others including workers in the Library Service and their union IMPACT.

He said members working the service “have a genuine worry that these proposals will result in a loss of library services for the counties concerned”.

Cllr MacManus said: “In light of the quality of the library service currently being delivered it is incomprehensible why a proposal to amalgamate Sligo, Leitrim and Roscommon is now being pushed forward.”

He said that those behind this move had not set out any rationale for these proposals or indicated any potential savings which may be achieved.

“Indeed no discussions or consultations have taken place with the workers involved or with their trade union IMPACT”, he said.

Cllr Healy said there was also concern that the travelling service which went to rural schools would affected.

Concerns about the future of the library services was also expressed by Councillors Declan Bree, Marie Casserly, Jerry Lundy, Sinead Maguire, Margaret Gormley and Seamus O’Boyle and the motion from the two Sinn Fein councillors was adopted.

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