Sligo’s city centre bridges lit up


A large crowd recently gathered at Rockwood Parade to witness the official switching on of the new lights placed on the three bridges in Sligo town.

The lights have been installed on Hyde Bridge, Markievicz Bridge and the footbridge linking Rockwood Parade with Stephen St Car Park.

Finbar Filan of Sligo BID was MC at the switch-on ceremony, at which many local residents and members of the business community were in attendance to view the newest addition to the nightlife and scenery of Sligo town.

The newly installed lights are not only attractive in their ability to change colour but also add much needed illumination to the bridges.

Mayor of Sligo Cllr Tom MacSharry spoke of how a well lit, atmospheric town and city centre was of benefit to both residents and visitors.

He said that it was an example of the co-operation and collaboration between Sligo County Council, Sligo Business District Project and Sligo Tidy Towns and illuminate Sligo at night.

Chairperson of Sligo Tidy Towns committee Jim Lawlor noted that it will “add to the atmosphere and ambiance of our riverwalk at night.”

Pat Grimes (of Sligo businesses Bistro Bianconi and A Casa Mia) said it was one of the projects driven by the Sligo Business District Project.

“Businesses have learned that the way to build a better town is by all working together,” Pat said.

Following the lighting of the bridges, he announced the formation of a BID (Business Improvement District) in Sligo and was looking forward to developing the project over the coming months.

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