The only way is Easkey


The Tour de France may have concluded last week, but one family from Easkey have taken on their own unique bike journey which will see them travel over 500 miles between two countries.

TOUR DE CAWLEY: Damien Cawley, Francis Cawley, Dermot Cawley and Danny Cawley during their big journey.
TOUR DE CAWLEY: Damien Cawley, Francis Cawley, Dermot Cawley and Danny Cawley during their big journey.

Dermot Cawley, along with several of his relatives, have begun a cycle which will see various family members link up along a route which began in East London this week and will eventually bring them to their West Sligo homestead.

“I was doing a cycle in Ireland a couple of years ago as was a cousin of mine in England and we were talking about doing a cycle together for all the relations to meet up again. We decided we would go to Easkey because that is where a lot of us would have grown up together,” Dermot said.

He, along with his brother, Francis and cousins, Damien and Danny kicked things off in the English capital. The quartet will take on the England leg before meeting up with the rest of the family in Ireland.

For the full interview with Dermot, and more details on the cycle, see this week’s Sligo Weekender- in shops every Thursday.

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