Sleep Out for North West Simon is great success


Over 30 brave participants took part in this year’s annual street sleep in Sligo town to raise vital funds for North West Simon Communities services in Sligo.

THE BIG SLEEP: Participants who took part in this year's Sleep Out for NW Simon.
THE BIG SLEEP: Participants who took part in this year’s Sleep Out for NW Simon.

The street sleep – held on Friday, October 2 – was also to raise awareness of the work of the local Simon Community in combating rural “invisible” homelessness.
All participants raised funds through sponsorship and these funds will make a huge difference to people who are struggling in Sligo.

There was a great mix of people on the night, all in high spirits while enduring the elements for just one night of the year. All volunteers were going home to a warm bed and all the little luxuries that you take for granted.

“All the participants did so well to spend the night out and it was a real eye opener to what street homeless people have to endure, thanks so much for getting involved,” said Mary McKeon from North West Simon.

Almost 40 local businesses sponsored a sleeper and as they have done for a number of years, local fast food restaurant the Four Lanterns provided the group with warm food and drink.

Mary also offered her thanks to Mullaney’s shop for allowing the participants to use their doorway as a bed for the night, to Sligo County Council for providing a small grant towards the sleep and to the pubs in the area who allowed collectors on to raise funds from their patrons.

She reserved her biggest ‘thank you’ to the men and women who took part and who collected money on the night.

The date for next year’s street sleep is already set for Friday, October 7, 2016. If you would like to participate, you can email Mary McKeon ( and she will send you details closer to the time.

The street sleep is part of Simon Week, which also includes the “Soup for Simon” initiative, with several pubs, cafes and restaurants donating for every bowl of soup bought during Simon Week.

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