Mullaghmore to feature on ‘Lesser Spotted Journeys’


Mullaghmore is to feature on a new series on UTV Ireland called Lesser Spotted Journeys.

ISLAND RUINS: UTV Ireland's Lesser Spotted Journeys presenter Joe Mahon (right) with Mullaghmore historian Joe McGowan exploring the ruins of the 6th century monastery of St. Molaise on Innismurray island.
ISLAND RUINS: UTV Ireland’s Lesser Spotted Journeys presenter Joe Mahon (right) with Mullaghmore historian Joe McGowan exploring the ruins of the 6th century monastery of St. Molaise on Innismurray island.

Described as a travel and “chat show of the hedgerows”, UTV says that it will visit “some of Ireland’s lesser known sites and destinations”, and will give an in-depth insight into each area visited, including interviews with local historians, craftspeople and more.

The Mullaghmore programme will air next Tuesday, October 27, at 8pm.

During the visit, presenter Joe Mahon “discovers the magic and mystery that this region holds, learning that fairies once held sway in this part of Ireland”. Local historian Joe McGowan shares some of Mullaghmore’s age-old stories and customs about fairies which have been passed down from generation to generation.

Joe Mahon also spends some time at the harbour with local historian, John McKeon, who sheds light on the harbour’s connection to Treasure Island, and how it almost became a commercial trading port in the 19th century.

The team then venture to Inishmurray Island to explore the ruins of the 6th century monastery of St Molaise. While on the island they take a whistle-stop tour of the many fascinating carved stones the island has to offer, and local artist Martin Byrne reveals an array of artistic rubbings he has taken of the intricately-carved stones.

Joe Mahon also makes his first attempt at paddle boarding, receiving a stand-up paddle boarding lesson from the Irish champion Emmet O’Doherty.

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