Tommy Higgins launches his autobiography


Sligo entrepreneur Tommy Higgins launched his autobiography in the Embassy Rooms on Friday evening last.

TICKET MASTER: Sligo entrepreneur Tommy Higgins launched his autobiography "Just The Ticket" on Friday last. All profits from the book will go to the North West Hospice.
TICKET MASTER: Sligo entrepreneur Tommy Higgins launched his autobiography “Just The Ticket” on Friday last. All profits from the book will go to the North West Hospice.

Tommy, who founded Star Music in Sligo and was also responsible for bringing the Ticketmaster and HMV franchises to Ireland.

Tommy served as Executive VP of Ticketmaster Europe and Group Managing Director UK and Ireland. In 1986 Tommy formed a joint venture with a group of investors bringing HMV to Ireland.

He established Ireland’s first fully computerised national ticketing company, Ticketshop which as part of a joint venture with Ticketmaster was re-branded Ticketmaster Ireland in 1997. He began his career in the music industry in Sligo in the 1970’s, operating a successful chain of retail music stores.

His latest venture is as chairman of Access Media, a group which successfully bid for the rights of the’.tickets’ domain name.

Fittingly, the title of Tommy’s autobiography is “Just The Ticket” and the distinctive front cover, showing Tommy signing copies of his book in a record store, was created by Sligo illustrator Annie West.

The book launch on Friday was attended by friends and family and many members of Sligo’s business community.

Seamus Finn, former editor of the Sligo Champion where Tommy served as a printer many years ago, officially launched the book on Friday before Tommy himself spoke, thanking those who attended and speaking about the wonderful work of the North West Hospice, who will receive all profits from this book.

“Just The Ticket” is available to buy in Easons and Liber Bookshop in O’Connell Street, Sligo. The book is also available online at or from

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