The RTÉ Investigates programme has made false allegations against me that I wish to address
In late October I was contacted by a woman called ‘Nina Carlsson’ who claimed to be a representative for
an investment company looking to build wind farms in the Sligo area. I agreed to meet her for a quick chat
in the foyer of the Sligo Park Hotel but on the morning of the meeting she changed the venue to a room in
the Great Southern Hotel. I wanted to meet this lady in a public place and it was RTÉ who arranged that the
meeting take place behind closed doors. For the past number of weeks my solicitor has been repeatedly
requesting RTÉ to broadcast the entire footage filmed at that meeting as the edited footage does not give a
fair and honest account of the conversation that took place between myself and this undercover reporter.
On at least 13 occasions during the course of the conversation I told the reporter that the planning process
was an impartial one and that no-one could guarantee her company success and I said to her “If you are
asking can I go into the council if you apply for planning permission or if you apply for planning and I can go
to them and do something with the officials or, I can’t”.
It has been repeated in the press in the last couple of days that I offered to act as an intermediary for this
company in return for an investment in a business I was planning. I never sought payment of any kind from
this undercover reporter for assisting her. During our conversations the undercover reporter on 9 occasions
referred to money and payment to me and I repeatedly said at least 14 times that I wanted no payment from
her. I told her “The way I work anything you ask me to do, I will do for the benefit of Sligo”, “And I don’t want
any fee or nothing like that for anything I do for you. Right?”, “I will work with you yes. It will cost you
nothing. I am not looking for anything out of it”, “I will work with ye. Free gratis and for nothing”.
RTÉ has stated that I proposed an investment be made by this fictitious company in a business interest that
I had in return for assisting them in the planning process. I completely deny this allegation. I repeatedly
said that I wanted no payment for assisting them in the pre-planning process. During the course of my
conversation with the undercover reporter I said I was a businessman and I mentioned that I may have a
potential future investment, that I was thinking of getting some investors and that it may be a family member
of mine that ends up investing rather than anyone else. I repeatedly stated in the follow up call with the
undercover reporter that if we did go into business together in the future that it would be “totally on a
business nature, everything above board” and that “I would never even contemplate looking for money from
anybody… you have to have a business plan …..and you have to sign an agreement that you are going to
pay back”. The reality of local government is that most elected representatives carry on business interests
outside of their roles as a county councillor in order to make a living. I am an auctioneer and a small local
businessman. I am extremely proud of my local area and like most local business people I am keen to see it
thrive economically. It will be clear to anyone who viewed the RTÉ programme that I did not go to that
meeting dressed to impress a potential business partner. I at all times believed I was meeting this lady for a
quick chat in a public place to act on behalf of local interests and I felt that as a councillor I have a duty to
assist potential investment opportunities for my locality. I made no promise of success to this reporter and I
sought no reward.
Having viewed the programme last night I can understand why people feel angry at what they saw. I am
angry also. The edited footage does not represent the true nature of the meeting between myself and the
undercover reporter and this is why I have repeatedly asked RTÉ to broadcast the entire conversation. I
apologise wholeheartedly for the fact that my statutory declaration for 2015 was not filled out correctly and I
have now amended this declaration. I also regret ever mentioning any potential future investment
opportunity as I now recognise that the way that the conversation was edited makes it seem as if I was
seeking a personal benefit when I never was. I at all times believed I was meeting this reporter in a public
place to speak about a local matter and I repeatedly told her, during and after this meeting, that I never
expected or requested any payment for that assistance. RTÉ has accused me of being in breach of Section
247 of the Planning Act 2000 and I unequivocally deny this accusation. I am now considering all of my legal
options in relation to this matter.
It is with regret that after so many years with the party I have now been forced to sever my ties with Fianna
Fáil. For the sake of my family and supporters I regret that my involvement with Fianna Fáil has meant that
the media have decided to misrepresent me in this case rather than focusing their attention on the two
elected representatives featured in the programme who did in fact seek payment for themselves. However,
my main concern is, was and always will be County Sligo. I have had an active role for a long number of
years in various local community groups and public life generally and I hope that the people of Sligo will
allow me to continue to be active in those areas into the future.
-Councillor Joseph Queenan
8th December, 2015
Cllr Joe Queenan's response to RTE programme,