Carraroe students honoured for art project


The community of Carraroe honoured students in Scoil Naomh Éanna on Tuesday for their work highlighting graffiti and litter.

Pupils from junior infants right up to sixth class were presented with awards for their contribution to Carraroe Tidy Towns Anti Litter and Anti Graffiti Art Competition. It was organised by CADRA – the Carrraroe and District Regeneration Association.

The competition was set up to raise awareness and help ensure that the Carraroe area is kept litter and graffiti free.

COSTA Coffee and McDonald’s were also behind the event with the winners’ art works set to be used in both restaurants for children to colour.

Cathoirleach of Sligo County Council, Rosaleen O’Grady gave a speech to the pupils in which she paid tribute to their contribution to the Carraroe community.

“Protection of our environment is one of the most important of the many challenges facing our society. It is heartening to see a group come together with such commitment, energy and drive to make a positive contribution to their local community,” Cllr O’Grady said.

Deasún Lyons, principal of Scoil Naomh Éanna also highlighted the achievement of the school’s pupils.

“It is something which is very close to my own heart which is looking after your own place and making your own place look tidy. You can do this starting in your own garden or street and then move into you own area. It is about being proud of where you live. The organisers of the competition were delighted and thrilled to see the lovely art work coming in. There was beautiful artwork throughout the school,” he said.

Pat Benson, Secretary of CADRA, also gave praise to the pupils and outlined what CADRA does for the Carraroe community.

“CADRA is an umbrella organisation which covers Tidy Towns, CPR, Text Alerts and regeneration of this area.

“The idea of this project was raise awareness. You [the pupils] are the future of the Carraroe are and we want you to act as ambassadors to this area,” he said.

Pupils from the school together with teachers ended the presentation event with a song in Zulu entitled “Marching in the Light of God”.

Prizes were awarded to each pupils from each class with the overall winners being split into two categories- Overall Poster Design and Overall Car Sticker Design.

The Poster Design winner was Oliwia Zarzycka while Roan Tully won overall Car Sticker Design.

Next week’s Sligo Weekender will feature more presentations from this event. Don’t miss it.

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