The annual Raise and Give (RAG) Week organised by the IT Sligo Students’ Union gets underway on Monday next, February 23.

But already the students have raised over €5,000 for their nominated charity – Sophia housing project. The students are hoping to reach a target of €10,000 by the end of the year.
“This year we decided to have a more inclusive approach in terms of our fund raising effort and have run a large number of satellite events in the run up to Raise and Give 2015 including a Raise and Give Launch Day last week where we raised €525,” said Stephen Doak, Students’ Union President.
“All of the local business working with us have made a contribution and every class Rep in the institute are currently out fundraising so we are likely to see that totally climb to €6,000 by the end of the week.”
In addition to the increased focus on funding, the Students’ Union have undertook a series of measures to ensure the harmonious progression of Raise and Give 2015.
These preparations include, the Community Watch Programme which works in conjunction with local Gardaí and the emergency services from 6pm – 6am each night, the leaflet drop campaign with information for local residents and students and the local area clean-up campaign.
If you want to contact the Students’ Union at any time during Raise and Give 2015 please call us on 071-9141887 from 9am–5pm or on their helpline 086-0865685 from 6pm on Sunday to 6am on Friday (24 Hour Service).