Sligo youngsters take inspiration from Yeats


Yeats2015 and Sligo Education Centre announced the winners of their ‘Yeats Among Schoolchildren’ art and writing competition open to primary school children nationwide.

This project was organised in conjunction with the Department of Education and Skills and the Association of Teachers/ Education Centres in Ireland (ATECI).

This is one of the key events taking place this year in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Nobel Prizewinning poet, WB Yeats. Over 3,000 children in County Sligo engaged in the project.

The competition aims to raise awareness among primary school age children and their communities of the poetry of W.B. Yeats. Pupils were encouraged to use visual arts and literacy to express their reaction to and understanding of the poetry of Yeats.

Winners in the Sligo Education Centre catchment area were: Aine Devaney (St Patrick’s NS, Calry), Oran Hughes (Scoil Chríost Rí, Enniscrone), Alannah McAllister (St Lassara’s NS, Ballinacarrow) and Sarah McKirdy (Ransboro NS).

Mary Hough, Director of Sligo Education Centre, and Senator Susan O’Keeffe presented winners with certificates and prize money at a ceremony in Sligo Education Centre on April 27.

Four winning entries have been selected from each of the twenty one Education Centres throughout Ireland.

A book with all the winning entries will be published by Yeats2015 in conjunction with Kids’ Own Publishing Partnership, the Department of Education and Skills and the Association of Teachers/Education Centres in Ireland.

The book will be launched at one of the key commemoration events around Yeats’ Birthday, June 13, and distributed to all primary schools and libraries nationwide.

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