Love your Coast photo competition


Clean Coasts launched their annual Love Your Coast Photography Competition last week as part of Coca-Cola Clean Coasts Week.

SEE THE SEA: Get your entries in for the Clean Coast photo.
SEE THE SEA: Get your entries in for the Clean Coast photo.

With a prize fund of €5,000 it is expected to attract huge interest from Ireland’s amateur photographers. There are five categories in this year’s competition; Coastal Heritage; Coastal Landscape; People & the Coast; Wildlife & the Coast; and Underwater.

Speaking about the competition, Annabel FitzGerald, An Taisce’s Coastal Programmes Manager said, “This competition is about capturing the essence of the Irish coast – its extensive beauty and diverse character.

“The photographs will serve as a reminder of the responsibility that we all have in protecting the beauty and diversity of our coastal environment.

“Underwater is a new category in this year’s competition, I am really looking forward to getting a glimpse of our underwater world!”

For more information about the Love Your Coast photography competition, how to enter the competition and competition terms and conditions please visit

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