Voice and Movement workshops at the Factory


Blue Raincoat Theatre Company will host the 5th annual Blue Raincoat Theatre Academy from January 11-29 2016. Academy 2016 consists of two separate workshops in Voice and Movement.
Playboy 20.10.14-107
The Movement workshop from 11-15 January, involves training in the discipline of Corporeal Mime. Sandra O’Malley and Jorge Correa Bethencourt who have trained at the International School of Corporeal Mime will lead this innovative workshop covering Technique, Repertoire, Composition and Improvisation.

Voice training and development is conducted using the techniques of the Roy Hart Method.

This workshop is of interest to singers also as the use of song and singing training is a large part of the work. David Goldsworthy and Marie Ann Le Tron, senior teachers at the Roy Hart International Voice Centre in Malerargues, France will conduct this five day workshop.

Two separate workshops will take place from 18–22 January and again from 25–29 January.

Also see www.blueraincoat.com.

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