Jobs the priority in company closure, says TD


THE fallout from Monday’s shock announcement that the McCormack company which operates 15 businesses mainly in the North West, had gone into receivership is still being felt.

CLOSURE: The McCormack's Mace shop on Mail Coach Road which was closed this week.
CLOSURE: The McCormack’s Mace shop on Mail Coach Road which was closed this week.

The 208 members of staff, suppliers and customers who may have paid deposits, or have credit or vouchers are still unclear as to their situation.
Local TD Eamon Scanlon described the loss of jobs as a “major blow.”

Deputy Scanlon believes that the first priority should be to try and keep jobs in the North West.

“In the short term, efforts need to be made to secure as many of these jobs as possible. The McCormack name is well known throughout the North West and it has been a significant employer and service provider in the region. I am urging the receiver to ensure that these businesses are sold as going concerns so that jobs and services can be protected,” he said,

He described the speed at which the businesses were closed as “worrying”.

For more on this story, see this week’s Sligo Weekender newspaper – in shops now. A digital edition of the paper is available by subscription, see our homepage,, for more information.

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