Sligo Masonic Hall to hold open night


If you were one of the many of disappointed people who couldn’t get into the Sligo Masonic Hall on Culture Night last month, don’t worry, as due to the immense interest shown, there will be a second Open Night on Saturday, October 22.

OPEN DOOR: The Masonic Hall on The Mall will be open on October 22.
OPEN DOOR: The Masonic Hall on The Mall will be open on October 22.

Tours of the Hall will commence at 3pm and run every 30mins with the last tour at 8pm.

Come along and have a look around one of the Sligo’s hidden treasures and find out what happens within this fine building and discover if what you know, or think you know, about Freemasonry is accurate.

On each tour you will be shown around the building, including the Lodge Room, with plenty of time at the end to ask all the questions you ever wanted about Freemasonry to members of the Order.

Each tour last for approximately 45 minutes and is limited in numbers, so places must be reserved. This can be done via Just search for Sligo Masonic Hall Tour, and chose a time. Please be aware that admission for a tour will only be gained with a valid reservation.

Unfortunately, the building is not wheelchair friendly, as there are steps from the street to the front door and then stairs to the first floor, both of which are used throughout the tour.

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