Correction to the history of Mullaghmore

NORTH SLIGO: THe monument unveiled in Mullaghmore in April.

The following is a letter received from the residents of Mullaghmore in relation to a monument erected in the Sligo village:

It is regrettable that the monument erected to remember those who once lived in the townland of Mullaghmore is not inclusive of all the people who did live there. We feel it is very important at this stage to set the record straight about a lot of inaccurate and misleading information that has been circulating in the social media, press releases to various local papers and to radio stations.

While we understand the rationale behind the creativity in sensationalising the story line for the benefit of the fundraising for this project, we feel that in the interest of accurate recording of the history of the people and events of this era, we should take pen to paper to correct the mythical stories that are in circulation at present.

Thomas McHugh known as Freddy lived all his life in the North Lodge on the Classiebawn estate and not in the Gate Lodge, which is at the main entrance of the castle. Freddy’s parents Thomas and Anne McHugh and his siblings lived there also.

During his lifetime Freddy had access to firewood from the Classiebawn woods and as he advanced in years, the firewood was delivered to him. In fact, every local in the area had access to firewood from the estate. Freddy had no need to burn the furniture for warmth.

His death certificate states that he died in St. John’s hospital in Sligo from natural causes and not on the side of the road from hunger, malnutrition and hypothermia. Freddy visited many of his neighbours where he enjoyed their hospitality. It is an insult to the people of Mullaghmore to state that he died on the side of the road from hunger and hypothermia.

In 1960 Mullaghmore was a very close knit community and in no way would any of his neighbours have ever allowed this to happen and neither would the owners of the Classiebawn Estate.

There are people living who happened to be in Freddy’s house after his death and they found it to be fully furnished with iron beds and a dresser of fine crockery.

During Freddy’s lifetime, Jules Bracken was the manager was the manager to the Classiebawn Estate. His obituary states that “he was noted for his straightforwardness in all his dealings with the public and his generosity in contributing to any charitable purpose. His home was a model of good husbandry.”

He was succeeded by Mr. Patrick O’Grady who was also held in very high esteem. Gabrielle and Aideen Gore-Booth of Lissadell succeeded Patrick O’Grady – all of who never failed or wavered in their duty to look after the welfare of the occupants of the various houses on the estate.

Lord Louis Mountbatten was very kind and generous to all of his staff and to the local community in Mullaghmore. The local community thought very highly of him and his family. His wife Edwina Mountbatten visited Classiebawn Castle during the second world war where she thoughtfully visited every house in Mullaghmore and delivered blankets and tea during this period of ration.

The Griffith valuation of 1858 states that there is a townland called Mullaghmore which has 10 houses and each house has a holding of land. This is no village or town as it is set in a rural setting with no shop, church or school consequently there is no record on any official maps of a village called Mullachgearr.

When Classiebawn Castle was completed in 1874 some of these households were re-housed in the townland of Kilkilloge and the surrounding areas.

Each holding was doubled in size to compensate for moving these people out from the townland of Mullaghmore.

Kind regards,

On behalf of the historically concerned Mullaghmore residents

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