Pumps used to drain Rockfield Graveyard

Cllr Keith Henry

IT has come to light this week that a Sligo Cemetery has had to be pumped before remains are buried in it.

At a meeting of Ballymote-Tubbercurry Municipal District, Fianna Fáil Councillor Keith Henry called on Sligo County Council to prepare a report into the drainage problems at Rockfield Graveyard in Coolaney.

“When graves are dug they are filled up with water quickly due to poor soil drainage in the graveyard. This has led to pumps being used to pump out water from graves right up to the arrival of the hearse at the graveyard” Cllr Henry said.

The Sligo Councillor highlighted the distress that the current situation is causing to the bereaved.

“It obviously would be a very distressing sight for bereaved family members to see and while the grave diggers can only do so much they have to fill in the graves quickly before water flows in around the coffin,” he said.

Due to the conditions at the graveyard, Cllr Henry said that people are looking for alternative graveyards to bury their family members.

More from this story in this week’s paper.


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