Re-introduction of directly-elected mayor proposed

BOROUGH: Councillors are disappointed that Sligo will not be given the opportunity to vote for the re-introduction of a directly-elected mayor this year.

Calls have been made for Sligo County Council to consider the re-introduction of a directly-elected mayor.

A motion was put forward by Cllr Tom MacSharry at the Municipal District meeting who questioned why Sligo was not selected with Waterford, Cork and Limerick as part of a plebiscite due to take place in May.

Cllr MacSharry cited a petition of 1,100 sigantures carried out by
Martin Forde, who attended the meeting, a number of years ago in support of a directly elected mayor for Sligo.

“I would like to welcome Martin Forde and his brother Eric to the Council Chamber. Martin is no stranger to the body of politics here in Sligo and I can, without any contradiction, say you are a friend to all parties and none and you have the respect of every member here.”

“History will judge whether a directly elected mayor is a good thing or not but it is good thing that it is being considered at the moment,” he continued.

“Given the fact that Martin went out on his own initiative and got 1,100 signatures requesting that Sligo have a directly elected mayor.

“It is with regret that Sligo hasn’t been included in the plebiscite, we lost our borough council like Waterford and I don’t see any reason why we weren’t included.”

For more on this story, see this week’s Sligo Weekender newspaper – in shops now!

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