€1.9m upgrade plan for Sligo racecourse


Sligo Racecourse has plans in place for a series of upgrades costing in excess of €1.9 million.

GRANDSTAND: Improvement to facilities in the grandstand are planned in the upgrade at Sligo racecourse.
GRANDSTAND: Improvement to facilities in the grandstand are planned in the upgrade at Sligo racecourse.

Horse Racing Ireland has announced that it has approved grant aid of close to €800,000 for the developments.

The most ambitious part of the development plans at the racecourse is the construction of a new two-storey hospitality building overlooking the parade ring and track.

This will house a public restaurant on the ground and hospitality facilities on the first floor with an extensive viewing area.

It is envisaged work will start in 2018 and be completed in 2019.

Prior to that, the upgrading and remodelling of the first floor bar in the main grandstand, which will see customer capacity increased by 40% will get underway in 2016.

This will be in addition to the extension of the existing balcony, giving improved views of the racecourse.

Other significant works include the renovation of the bar and restaurant, the creation of an outdoor play area, upgrades to the weigh room, a new presentation podium, upgrading of the Owners and Trainers room, a new entrance building with turnstiles and toilets and the installation of glass canopies to provide shelter.

Kathryn Foley, Manager of Sligo Racecourse said: “The plans we have in place for Sligo Racecourse are a continuation of the investment in customer facilities that we have been making over the last number of years.

“Our core aim is to ensure the comfort and enjoyment of our racegoers and all participants in the sport and part of our focus is to ensure that everyone is afforded great views of the track.”

Brian Kavanagh, CEO of HRI said: “It is great to see Sligo building on the extensive improvements they carried out in 2014, with plans to continue the architecturally designed theme throughout.”

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