Council respond to vote fraud allegations

VOTES: Sligo's local elections will be held on May 24.

Sligo County Council have issued the following statement in relation to allegations of electoral fraud:

“Sligo County Council has carried out an examination of all of the applications submitted for inclusion in the Postal Voters’ list for persons with a physical illness or disability. The documentation presented in respect of each person included is in accordance with requirements of the relevant legislation (Electoral Act 1992 as amended by the Electoral (Amendment) Act 1996).

At the time of application for inclusion in the Postal Voters list all applicants are required to declare that they are unable to go in person to vote at a polling station by reason of a physical disability, and that they are ordinarily resident at the address given. Also, all applications included the required Medical Certificate signed and stamped by a registered Medical Practitioner certifying that the applicant has a stated physical illness or a physical disability and is unable to go in person to a polling station to vote.

It is an offence to knowingly give false information on application, and all applicants are made aware of this at the time of application.

The Council is aware that a formal complaint has been made to the Gardai in relation to a number of those on the postal voters list. We will assist the Gardai with any enquiries, and will furnish any material documents in our possession to them.

In relation the suggestion that the Election be delayed, the Council has sought legal advice in this regard.  Polling day for the Local Elections has been fixed by Ministerial Order for Friday 24th May 2019, and Notice of Election has been published by Sligo County Council. There is no provision in law to defer or delay an election, other than in the case of the death of a candidate before the commencement of the Poll. There is legal provision to question the outcome of a Local Election by way of a petition in the Circuit Court within 28 days of the declaration of the result.” 

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