Small change can make a big difference


If you have unwanted one and two cent coins then you could be in a position to help many worthy Irish charities.

SLIGO: Cara Pharmacy owner Ramona Nicholas, will bring the Change For Charity roadshow to her store in Sligo’s Quayside Shopping Centre today.   Photo: James Connolly / PicSell8
SLIGO: Cara Pharmacy owner Ramona Nicholas, will bring the Change For Charity roadshow to her store in Sligo’s Quayside Shopping Centre today.
 Photo: James Connolly / PicSell8

The Cara Pharmacy group will be accepting one and two cent coins at their branches in Bundoran and Sligo. today, Thursday, January 29 from 12noon-2pm.

Cara founder and “Dragon’s Den” dragon Ramona Nicholas is bringing the Change for Charity Road Show to the Sligo Cara Pharmacy located in Quayside Shopping Centre and she will be there to accept your donations of one and two cent coins.

‘Change for Charity’ is the brainchild of Norma Smurfit who has been fundraising for over forty years across Ireland. With this campaign she hopes to encourage people to donate their 1c and 2c coins (there’s €35 Million of them out there) to help a number of Irish charities.

With the help of businesses, schools and some famous faces they are taking to the road to raise awareness for the campaign and to make it even easier for people to get rid of those pesky coppers clogging up their wallets.

If you get your company involved you could be in with a chance to win an amazing trip to New York and stay in one of the Fitzpatrick Hotels (for details see the Change For Charity Facebook page).

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